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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria of studies

From: The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety in Libya: a systematic review


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Sample characteristics

-Libyans affected by the Libyan Civil war

-No age restriction

-No gender restriction

- Libyan population (residing out of Libya) Externally displaced Libyan population

The aim of the study


Quantitative studies only utilizing validated diagnostic or screening methods

Qualitative studies, systematic literature reviews, case-report studies

To investigate the prevalence/percentages of mental health problems

Study design

Only cross-sectional studies and cohort studies (only baseline measurements were considered)

Further studies of longitudinal research

To capture mental health problems and their percentage in a point of time, obtaining multiple variables at the time of the data snapshot


Percentages or cut-offs

Mean scores, poor statistical reporting

To obtain prevalence data

Types of diagnosis

PTSD, depression, and anxiety


The most common mental health disorders of population living in civil unrest countries

Publication date

February 2011 to January 2023


Beginning of the Libya Civil War and the end of the literature search