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Table 1 Semi-structured interview to formulate the behavioral model of depression

From: Stressful life events and passive behavioral patterns in women with major depressive disorder: a mixed method analysis nested in a clinical trial

History before major depressive disorder

How was your life before the depressive symptoms began?

How were you before then? What did you like to do?

How did you spend your time? What was the best phase of your life?

Stressful life events

What do you associate with the onset of these symptoms?

What triggered the symptoms?

What happened to you to start feeling this way?

What do you think may have occurred to make you feel depressed?

Feelings and emotions

What exactly did you start feeling in your body as you become depressed?

What were the most frequent feelings or emotions?

What do you currently feel?

Can you better describe what you feel?

Avoidant or passive behavioral patterns

How did you act after the problems and symptoms you just told me?

What were your attitudes and actions? Did you stop doing anything?

What did you do differently?

Do you think about negative things?

Can you give me examples of such thoughts?

What is your routine nowadays?

What do you do during the day?