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Table 2 The DAS28 (and related components) and HAQ in both RA groups

From: Screening for depressive symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: relationship with pain severity, disease activity, and sleep quality


RA with depression (n:1152)

RA without depression (n:48)

P value

DAS28, mean ± SD

4.99 ± 1.34

3.43 ± 1.06

< 0.001

ESR, mean ± SD

47.48 ± 24.92

32.58 ± 19.57

< 0.001

Swollen joints, mean ± SD

5.91 ± 5.62

1.33 ± 1.86

< 0.001

Tender joints, mean ± SD

8.21 ± 6.59

2.00 ± 1.98

< 0.001


 High (DAS28>5.1)

580 (50.3%)

4 (8.3%)

< 0.001

 Moderate (DAS28>3.2 to ≤5.1)

420 (36.5%)

20 (41.7%)

 Low (DAS28≤3.2)

100 (8.7%)

12 (25.0%)

 Remission (DAS28<2.6)

52 (4.5%)

12 (25.0%)

HAQ-pain score, mean ± SD

47.64 ± 26.01

19.17 ± 12.69

< 0.001

  1. DAS28 Disease Activity Score in 28 joints, HAQ Health Assessment Questionnaire, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate