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Table 2 Frequency and percentage of the students’ responses to the 19 sources of stress categorized as either academic, psychosocial, or inadequacy in teaching

From: Stress and its correlates among medical students in six medical colleges: an attempt to understand the current situation

Stress source

High (%)

Some (%)

Not at all (%)

Academic factors

 Exam frequency

275 (44.57%)

250 (40.51%)

92 (14.91%)

 Fear of failure

321 (52.02%)

207 (33.54%)

89 (14.42%)

 High self-expectation

219 (35.49%)

284 (46.02%)


 Competition with peers

145 (23.50%)

258 (41.81%)

214 (34.68%)

 Tight schedule

216 (35.00%)

296 (47.97%)

105 (17.01%)

 Heavy workload

361 (58.50%)

196 (31.76%)

60 (9.72%)

 Time pressure

371 (60.12%)

183 (29.65%)

63 (10.21%)


231 (37.43%)

196 (31.76%)

190 (30.79%)

Psychosocial factors

 Poor motivation

192 (31.11%)

267 (43.27%)

158 (25.60%)

 Financial problems

53 (8.58%)

184 (29.82%)

380 (61.58%)

 Family problems

69 (11.18%)

154 (24.59%)

394 (63.85%)

 Lack of family support

72 (11.66%)

139 (22.52%)

406 (65.80%)

 High parental expectation

205 (33.22%)

231 (37.43%)

181 (29.33%)

 Relationship with opposite sex

82 (13.29%)

164 (26.58%)

371 (60.12%)

 Study away from home

153 (24.79%)

158 (25.60%)

306 (49.59%)


164 (26.58%)

185 (29.98%)

268 (43.43%)

Teaching-related factors

 Poor teaching skills

183 (29.65%)

306 (49.59%)

128 (20.74%)

 Poor teacher support

204 (33.06%)

301 (48.78%)

112 (18.15%)

 Difficulty understanding lectures

183 (29.65%)

298 (48.29%)

136 (22.04%)

  1. Table 2 show academic, psychosocial, and teaching-related factors have a lot, some, or no effect on medical students. Only effects of high level of stress-related symptoms were included in chronological order. For instance, factors associated with academic section that scored high were time pressure (60.3%), heavy workload (58.7%), and fear of failure 52.2%). Importantly, psychosocial and teaching-related factors were all scored less than 34%