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Table 2 First contact on the pathways to care

From: Pathways to care and supernatural beliefs among patients with psychotic disorders in Nepal

First contact person

N (%)


Psychiatrist at private setup

23 (17.3)

Medical person

54 (40.6%)

General practitioner including MBBS

5 (3.8)

Psychiatrist at government hospital

3 (2.3)

Psychiatrist at medical college

10 (7.5)

Paramedics (CMA, HA, ANM)a

13 (9.8)

Faith healer

58 (43.6)

Non-medical person

79 (59.4%)

Spiritual guru

6 (4.5)

Others (alternative therapy)

3 (2.3)

Help at home

8 (6.0)

Visit to temple/mosque/religious shrine

4 (3.0)

Total (N)

133 (100)

  1. aCMA certified medical assistant, HA health assistant, ANM auxiliary nurse midwifery