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Table 2 Health characteristics of our respondents

From: Mental health and burnout in Nepalese medical students: an observational study


Number of students (%)

Mental health at baseline (before starting medical school)

 Formal diagnosis of a psychiatric illness

6 (4%)

 Prescription of psychiatric medication

9 (5%)

Current mental health

 Formal diagnosis of a psychiatric illness

14 (8%)

 Prescription of psychiatric medication

5 (3%)

Sources of stress


49 (29%)

 Academic study

109 (64%)


11 (7%)


58 (34%)

Alcohol and substance abuse

 CAGE positive

23 (14%)

 Use of substances to feel better

15 (9%)

 Use of performance (e.g., academic) enhancing drugs

8 (5%)

 Cannabis use

15 (9%)

 Cocaine use

1 (1%)

 Opiates use

2 (1%)