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Table 2 Reported symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism

From: Depression and anxiety among hyperthyroid female patients and impact of treatment

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

 Weight loss

42 (56%)

Weight gain

6 (8%)

 Heat intolerance

45 (60%)


43 (57%)


41 (54%)

Increased bowl movement

18 (24%)

 Neck enlargement

17 (22%)

Shortness of breath

8 (10%)

 Eyes symptoms

9 (12%)

Psychological symptoms

33 (44%)

Reported signs of hyperthyroidism

 Signs of atrial fibrillation

3 (4%)

Thyroid eye disease (TED) in a patient with Graves’ disease



30 (40%)

No sign of TED (NOSPECS 0)

11 (36%)

 Palpable goitre

47 (62%)


6 (20%)


Moderate TED (NOSPECS 2–3)

12 (40%)


Severe TED (NOSPECS ≥4)

1 (3.3%)