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Table 1 Demographic, clinical, laboratory, treatment characteristics in the study of SLE patients (n = 50)

From: Neuropsychiatric manifestations and magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain in systemic lupus erythematosus patients


SLE patients (n = 50)

Demographic and clinical characteristics

 Age (years), M ± SD

26.98 ± 8.95

 Sex, n (%)


50 (100)

 Residence, n (%)


26 (52)


24 (48)

 SLE disease duration (months), median (min–max)

18 (0–108)

 Lupus-related manifestations, n (%)

  Cutaneous manifestations

26 (52)


2 (4)


19 (38)


20 (40)


8 (16)

  Hematological abnormalities

25 (50)

 Laboratory characteristics, n (%)


5 (10)


5 (10)

  Urinary casts

5 (10)


14 (28)


22 (44)


19 (38)

 Serological markers for SLE

  Positive ANA, n (%)

50 (100)

  Positive anti-dsDNA, n (%)

16 (32)

 SLEDAI score, median (min–max)

14 (1–20)

 Immunosuppressive medications used for treatment, n (%)


50 (100)

  IV pulse methylprednisolone high dose

15 (30)

  Moderate dose

7 (14)

  Low dose

18 (36)


10 (20)


28 (56)

 Mycophenolate mofetil

35 (70)


10 (20)

  1. ANA antinuclear antibodies, anti-dsDNA anti-double-stranded DNA, SLE systemic lupus erythematosus, SLEDAI systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index