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Table 3 Frequency distribution of correct answers to the suicide literacy scale

From: Level and predictors of mental health literacy of depression and suicide among undergraduate medical students


Frequency of correct answers (%)

1. If assessed by a psychiatrist, everyone who suicides would be diagnosed as depressed"

46 (12.7)

2. Seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist can help prevent someone from suicide"

335 (82.9)

3. Most people who suicide are psychotic

116 (32.1)

4. There is a strong relationship between alcoholism and suicide

18 (5.0)

5. People who talk about suicide rarely kill themselves

152 (42.1)

6. People who want to attempt suicide can change their mind quickly

163 (45.2)

7. Talking about suicide always increases the risk of suicide

57 (15.8)

8. Not all people who attempt suicide plan their attempt in advance

52 (14.4)

9. People who have thoughts about suicide should not tell others about it"

246 (68.1)

10. Very few people have thoughts about suicide"

59 (16.3)

11. Men are more likely to suicide than women

147 (40.7)

12. A suicidal person will always be suicidal and entertain thoughts of suicide

215 (59.6)