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Table 3 Correlation between demographic and clinical variables within the group of adolescents with CD (n = 20)

From: Serum oxytocin levels in adolescents with conduct disorder associated with callous-unemotional traits






YPI-S score

r = 0.07

r = 0.2

r = 0.09

r = − 0.2

ICU—parent report

r = − 0.01

r = − 0.1

r = 0.3

r = − 0.4


r = − 0.3

r = 0.2

r = 0.3

r = − 0.1

ICU—self-report callousness subscore

r = 0.4

r = − 0.03

r = − 0.09

r = − 0.6b

ICU—self-report uncaring subscore

r = − 0.2

r = 0.2

r = 0.5a

r = − 0.5a

ICU—self-report unemotional subscore

r = − 0.1

r = 0.2

r = 0.2

r = − 0.5a

  1. SES socioeconomic status according to Modified Fahmi and El-Sherbini scale, YPI-S Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Short, ICU Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits, OT oxytocin
  2. aCorrelation is significant at the 0.05 level
  3. bCorrelation is significant at the 0.01 level